Angels of Omnipotence Attunement Level 2

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Omnipotence Level 2 Initiation.jpg

Angels of Omnipotence Attunement Level 2


Angels of Omnipotence Level Two

Prerequisite: Must have Omnipotence Level 1

The Angels of Omnipotence are incredibly powerful angels that have become more popular in recent times due to their inclusion in a couple of the new wave of grimoires. These rituals only called on one or three of the nine Angels of Omnipotence and yet many people have become wealthy because of these rituals. With Omnipotence you will be attuned to all nine. This attunement will allow you to channel the energy and powers of the Angels of Omnipotence directly. You can use their energy and power to manifest the life you always dreamed of!

Level 2 of Omnipotence is the second of three levels. Level 1 initiated you to four of the nine Angels of Omnipotence and Level 2 will initiate you to another four: Tulatu, Tabatlu, Ublisi, and Elubatel. Each angel has a particular area that they enjoy “servicing” in their words. Below, in their own words, are the areas that they service:

· Tulatu services “love and matters of the heart.”

· Tabatlu services “joy and beauty.”

· Ublisi services “sight beyond sight.”

· Elubatel services “wisdom.”

This is a permanent change to your energy system, and you will have a few physical side effects that will fade over a few days.

You will receive a manual, but it is very important to use it as a starting point. The energy and its powers are dynamic and will be different from person to person. I highly encourage you to be creative and experiment.

Your initiation will be sent via 1 chi ball within 3 business days of your purchase. I will send you a message when your chi ball has been sent. The chi ball is immediately delivered to you by the spirits and you can activate them as soon as you receive my message.

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