Spirit Attunements

The 151 Initiations are very similar to energy attunements such as Reiki. They attune you to the energy of a particular spirit remotely. These attunements create changes to your energy system that allow you to call on the energy of that spirit directly. The attunement is sent using chi balls (invisible balls of energy) that you can activate at your leisure.

The 151 Current is a particular way of working with different spirits. It was created by Jareth Tempest, from whom I received the attunements. A current is simply a magical tradition.  There are several popular currents that all work differently. The 151 current is all about channeling these spirits powers directly. This is direct magick that you can use without a traditional ritual. If you would like more information about the 151 current and the Spirit Attunements please read this article on Jareth’s website.

Angels of Omnipotence: The Angels of Omnipotence are incredibly powerful angels that have become more popular in recent times due to their inclusion in a couple of the new wave of grimoires. These rituals only called on one or three of the nine Angels of Omnipotence and yet many people have become wealthy because of these rituals. With Omnipotence you will be attuned to all nine. This attunement will allow you to channel the energy and powers of the Angels of Omnipotence directly. You can use their energy and power to manifest the life you always dreamed of!

  • Level 1: initiates you to four of the nine Angels of Omnipotence: Ebuhuel, Atuesuel, Labusi, and Bualu. Each angel has a particular area that they enjoy “servicing” in their words. Below, in their own words, are the areas that they service:

    • Ebuhuel services “health and growth in nature.”

    • Atuesuel services “peace and calm.”

    • Labusi services “wealth, prosperity, and abundance.”

    • Bualu services “willpower and pushing your will onto the world.”

  • Level 2 (Prerequisite: Must have Omnipotence Level 1) of Omnipotence is the second of three levels. Level 1 initiated you to four of the nine Angels of Omnipotence and Level 2 will initiate you to another four: Tulatu, Tabatlu, Ublisi, and Elubatel. Each angel has a particular area that they enjoy “servicing” in their words. Below, in their own words, are the areas that they service:

    • Tulatu services “love and matters of the heart.”

    • Tabatlu services “joy and beauty.”

    • Ublisi services “sight beyond sight.”

    • Elubatel services “wisdom.”

  • Level 3 (Prerequisite: Must have Omnipotence Levels 1 and 2) of Omnipotence is the third and final level. While the other two levels attuned you to four of the Angels each, this level attunes you to the ninth mysterious Angel of Omnipotence. With this final level you will have the power to radically transform yourself with inner alchemy, deep shadow work, and access to the Akashic Records where you can release the negativity that has been holding you back and rewrite the course of your life!


  • Haniel: improve intuition, break habits, and fill someone with love for you

  • Metatron: increase your abilities to learn, bend time, reach spiritual perfection

  • Raphael: stress relief, healing, help you learn, clarity

  • Raziel: receive answers. release limiting thinking patterns

  • Tzadkiel: create an aura of abundance & good fortune, help endure hardship & discomfort

Enochian is the name commonly given to the magick system created by John Dee and Edward Kelley in England in the late 1500’s. The system is quite powerful, but also quite complicated as traditionally practiced. It uses an angelic language and script revealed by the angels. While some of the angels in the system are familiar to those who work in other systems such as Kabbalah, there are many angels and divine names that are unique. There isn’t the time or space to cover the full history or system here. The main thing that you should know if you are completely unaware of Enochian is that it is considered to be very powerful by almost everyone who works with it. Prerequisite: Reiki Master or Omnipotence 3 This attunement is incredibly strong and is only for experienced energy workers.

  • Enochian Fortune can help increase your luck in any situation where money is involved.

  • Enochian Healing will help with healing on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.

  • Enochian Prosperity can help you manifest money for a specific need or desire, help you plan a career, negotiate with a client, get a promotion, get more hours at work, make wise investments, or absolutely anything else that involves finances.

  • Enochian Transformation gives you the power to transform a vice into a virtue. A weakness into a strength. An inability into an ability. A flaw into a benefit. This power is all about inner work. Inner alchemy. Transforming your inner dross into pure gold.

Divine Name:

  • YHWH: YHWH is one of the most powerful divine names. This is an initiation with the divine name YHWH and not with the deity directly. Work with the power of this name to center yourself in divine power and authority, bring you closer to divinity, and gives you divine authority over spirits and the four elements.


  • GANESHA is a popular Hindu deity. Work with him to bring opportunity, good fortune, and remove obstacles.

  • HORUS is a powerful solar warrior king deity from the Egyptian Pantheon. Work with him to increase your determination, protect yourself from enemies, and become the ruler of your life.

  • THOTH is a powerful deity of wisdom and magick from the Egyptian Pantheon. Work with him to learn languages faster, dissolve inner blockages hindering your magick, and become wiser.