Self Reiki Ideas

The ability to give ourselves an energy healing treatment is one of my favorite benefits of learning Reiki. One of the biggest obstacles Reiki practitioners face when it comes to doing self Reiki is the lack of time so they go without. We don’t always have the ability to give ourselves a full 45-60 minute treatment. The good news is that we don’t have to! A few minutes of Reiki is better than zero minutes of Reiki!

“But Mimi, between my job, family, and other commitments I just can’t carve out ANY time for myself.”

Yes. I know. Let me share a few easy tricks that will allow you to enjoy the benefits of the healing energy that is flowing through you.

✨My absolute number one go to for self Reiki is before I fall asleep. It is practically effortless. I like to place one hand on my heart chakra and the other on my solar plexus or sacral chakra and let the Reiki flow. If you are level 2 you can invoke the symbols. If you are level one simply say, “Reiki on.” Not only will you receive a beautiful dose of healing energy, you may find the quality of your sleep is improved!

✨My second favorite way to do self Reiki is when I wake up. This is a great way to start your day. You can also incorporate intention setting if you so desire.

✨You can also enjoy self Reiki while you read, watch TV, or even while waiting in line! Just place a hand somewhere on your body and let Reiki flow. If you are in a situation where placing a hand on your body might be awkward no worries! Simply activate Reiki and envision it flowing into the top of your head and moving throughout your body.

I hope you find this helpful. Questions or other ideas to add to this list? Pop them in the comments!

Reiki and Mercury Retrograde

From 2000 to 2002 I worked for a woman who did not believe in anything spiritual or religious. At all. When Louise  interviewed me for the sales manager position of her brand new indie cosmetic brand (It was the very early aughts and everyone had one!) she told me that she had interviewed someone she really liked but did not hire.

Why did she not hire this candidate? She asked Louise about her astrological sign.

Louise went on to pontificate…at length…ad nauseum...that we live and then we die. Nothing more and nothing less.  She also said, “I can’t have that stuff around me.” My Capricorn sun said out loud, “Well, that is an inappropriate question during a job interview.” My Cancer rising and Pisces moon whispered in my ear, “Thank goodness you know this about her and you better keep quiet about your spiritual exploits!” I present well during job interviews so I was hired.

Every time Mercury went retrograde of course the computers and printers in the office would act up. I would DISCREETLY Reiki the equipment. The malfunctions would cease and the equipment would once again work. Fast forward a year or so. Mercury was retrograde and Louise’s printer stopped working. To my surprise and job security horror Louise said, “Mimi I know you do stuff to fix the printers. I don’t want to know what you do but do it now please.”  Ever the obedient employee I did what I was told and the printer became fully functional.

This job involved a significant amount of travel. Louise and I were in San Francisco to meet with the buyers of Sephora. Yes we traveled while Mercury was retrograde because life must be lived. When it was time to return home we arrived at SFO to learn that our return flight had been canceled. Every flight we were moved to was either canceled or over booked. After being bumped from 3 flights Louise looked at me and said, “Do whatever it is that you do. I am not spending the night in this airport!” So, I sent Reiki to the situation. We were not bumped from the next flight and we made it home that evening.

As Louise saw that I could use “that crazy stuff” to help ease certain situations she began to lighten up (See what I did there?) on the topic which was nice to see and experience.

These are just a couple of examples of how Reiki can be used in practical situations and how it can be used to “clear the air” as I like to say. Let me know in the comments if you would like to learn more about how Reiki can help you through sticky situations!