Did Someone Curse Me Or Am I Avoiding Personal Responsibility?

I recently observed a few situations where someone shared that they had been cursed. They were able to correlate it to a particular group setting. Next thing you know, several people said they were experiencing the same thing. It reminded me of a store I once managed. Every time someone came to work with a cold, the rest of the team would start saying they felt sick. Most of those people would develop actual symptoms. I witnessed many self-fulfilling prophecies play out right before my eyes. From my perspective, this was the same dynamic playing out in the group of “cursed” people.

Sometimes an energetic attack is exactly that…an energetic attack. Other times it is just something mundane gone awry. Life can be funny that way. Don’t get me wrong, energetic attacks, curses, whatever you want to call them are real. They do happen; passively and aggressively. I’ll get to that in a moment.

One problem that I see with being so quick to attribute misfortune to a curse or energetic attack is that it shifts the focus and power to the external. It can be a form of victim mentality. “Everyone is out to get me.” It takes you out of your power. If you truly feel someone has cursed you, you may want to look at your life and first ask if the unfortunate occurrence could be the outcome of anything you did or did not do. Were you stopped by the police and ticketed for your expired registration tags because your girlfriend’s ex zapped you with a hex? Or was it because you did not pay your registration on time?  You get the idea.

Another problem is that if your belief in being cursed is strong and persistent enough you will create that reality and end up cursing yourself! For those of you rolling your eyes who don’t align with the “we create our reality” belief, bear with me. Even if you do not believe in manifesting, you will simply focus on the negative in your life. That is where your focus will be. You believe it so strongly that you may as well have manifested it.

On a personal note, I have been on the receiving end of a curse or two. I have also had moments where I was tempted to think someone put a whammy on me only to realize that the challenges facing me were due to circumstances of my own making. In the cases where the curses were real, I sought outside help.

In one situation a woman tried to curse me to my face. I did my own energetic exercise to ward her off in the moment. When she left the store (this happened at a former workplace) I contacted a friend that I knew could help remove any residual energy that I may have missed. In another situation where I felt I was on the receiving end of the wrong kind of energy I sought out the services of another person. He confirmed what I was feeling as well as the people responsible. He did his thing and I was a happy camper.

So…long story short, if things go out of whack in your life, don’t be so quick to assume someone is out to get you energetically. Do a personal inventory to determine if it is within your power to rectify the situation. Don’t use it as an excuse to bypass your own inner work. Human beings are powerful beings. Do not so easily give away your power. If you do know, or highly suspect, that you are in fact dealing with a maleficent situation seek out someone who can address the situation on your behalf. Make sure they have an excellent reputation and work from a place of integrity. I can refer you to a couple of people who are amazing with this line of work.