Don't Lingo or Verbiage Me

From May 27, 2012

From May 27, 2012

Simply put, I DON’T DO VERBIAGE OR LINGO! Say what you mean and mean what you say. The two biggest areas where this “pet peaves” me (yes I just created a new verb~deal with it!) is the healing/spiritual/energy community and corporate-landia.

I am a HUGE believer, actually a huge KNOWER, of the reality of manifestation. One day I shall write about that. Being self professed Queen of Manifestation you will NEVER NEVER EVER hear me use the phrases “co-creator” or “deliberate creator.” They are just to smarmy and loaded with the essence of superiority. They also wreak of someone whose head has been filled with information from one too many self help seminars or workshops. Don’t get me wrong, workshops can be great. I am talking about the people who become “followers of” and don’t integrate the information into their being and actually incorporate it into meaningful action in their life. You know who I am talking about. I think we all know at least one person who walks around quoting this person and that person and yet their actions do not match up to their words. You know why? Because they are not THEIR OWN WORDS! They are words that were learned without the practical wisdom on how to bring those ideas into the core and apply them to everyday life. It is just LINGO and VERBIAGE. Nothing more and definitely something less.