Levels Shmevels

The Morning Ramblings of Your Friendly Neighborhood AlcheMystic

Can we not talk about things in "levels?"  Instead of different levels, how about "aspects?"

Pieces of the puzzle...parts of the whole...
A metaphysical shop that I love promotes their crystals as "next level." WTF is that? I feel the crystals cringing, 'cause, my sensitivity is next level! Right? Someone once told me that spiritually they were on a higher level than me. I replied, "How can you say that? You don't know anything about my spirituality." Instead of claiming "higher levels" why not explore "other aspects?" Why the need to believe that acquiring knowledge or delving deeper into self brings us higher? Why not see it as making us more whole...bringing us closer to truth? Food for thought. Digest or vomit as you see fit.