Common Reiki Myths

Reiki is a healing energy modality that I have been passionate about for many years. I truly believe that everyone would benefit from receving Reiki as well as learning how to work with Reiki. Why? Because I believe that access to healing energy is not only our birthright, I believe that at one time Reiki was as natural to every human being as breathing. 

Reiki has become fairly common, which is a good thing! However, there are many misperceptions and beliefs that are not true. I thought it would be fun and worthwhile to address a few.

Reiki is “new age,” a religion, or a cult.
Reiki is definitely NOT a religion, cult, or new age. Rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in the mid 1800’s, Reiki has been around much longer than the new age movement that traces back to the 1960’s and 70’s. You do the math!
While Reiki can deepen one’s spiritual practice, it is not aligned with any particular religion, nor is it a religion unto itself. It is a deeply personal practice that can help you feel more grounded and connected to your personal energy.

Reiki practitioners are always happy, calm, and preach love and light.
Have you met me? LOL. Reiki practitioners are human beings just like you! We face the same issues and challenges as everyone else. We experience the same range of emotions, those that feel good and those that don’t. Working through life challenges with the help of Reiki and other energetic practices makes a Reiki practitioner stronger and better able to help other people. They can relate to others through shared experience. (I’ll let you in on a secret. We even occasionally drop eff bombs!)

Learning Reiki is complicated.
Reiki is deceptively simple and easy! At it’s most basic, Reiki is the transfer of Universal Life Force Energy from the practitioner to the recipient. The recipient can be yourself, animals, objects, as well as friends and family. There are a few guidelines on how to facilitate this energy transfer and they are easy to learn. Learning Reiki is really more akin to remembering something that is already within you. Anyone can learn Reiki.

Reiki can diagnose and cure any illness.
Not true. Reiki can bring relief and comfort to physical ailments but it will not cure or heal everything. Reiki should not be used in lieu of medical treatments. It is a complementary modality that does not replace professional medical care. It is very relaxing and great for minimizing stress which enhances the body’s ability to heal. While Reiki is a very powerful tool for relaxation and healing, it does not necessarily cure illnesses.

Reiki practitioners should not charge for healing sessions.
Hairstylists, massage therapists, doctors, etc. are not expected to provide their services free of charge. Reiki practitioners invest in their training. Those who offer services professionally have the same business expenses as other business owners. While it might seem contrary to pay for healing energy, you are paying for the practitioner’s time and expertise.

I would love to hear your thoughts about Reiki. What would you add to this list? Let me know in the comments! 

Curious about learning Reiki or receiving a Reiki session? I offer Reiki classes and one on one sessions online! Message me here for more information.